The daily amount of water you shoudl drink is half of your body weight in ounces. For example if you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75ounces of water daily. 75 ounces is the same as 2 liters. The same size as a large bottle of soda. If you are confused about any of this. Use a conversion calculator found just by using google to convert to cups, quarts or liters. Which ever is more comfortable for you.
I would suggest getting your own water bottle and using your own filtered water vs buying plastic water bottles everyday. Not only are the costly but studies have shown that there isn't much difference between filtered tap water and bottled water from the store other than the price. See for yourself here and
Here are some examples of different water bottles. You are sure to find one that fits your needs.
I could go on and on about the benefits of drinking water but for now, Get to drinking!
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